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The Bachelor of Engineering degree is a professional engineering undergraduate degree awarded after completion of four years of engineering study and research.Institutes of national importance, like Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and National Institute of Technology (NIT), offer Bachelor of Technology (B-Tech) degree since the courses they offer are exclusively engineering related. Some Indian universities, mainly private institutes which are affiliated to regional universities, offer engineering degree under the name of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng); but whichever name is used, the degree course follows the standard curriculum laid down by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the University Grants Commission (India) (UGC).

In general Universities offer B Tech and colleges affiliated to Universities will offer as BE, however there is no difference in the programme objectives and learning outcomes of B.E or B.Tech. Eligibility for entry is 12 years of school education. Generally the first year (first two semesters) is common to all branches, and has the same subjects of study. Courses divert after first year. The medium of instruction and examination is English. Generally, universities in India offer engineering degree in the following branches: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical (and Electronics), Electronics (and Communications or Telecom) Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Information Technology, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Production Engineering, Systems Science, Biochemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Genetic Engineering, Tool engineering and Agricultural Engineering. The AICTE, UGC and the Indian Government are responsible for approving engineering colleges and branches/courses. Only those universities which have been approved by these bodies can award degrees which are legally valid and are accepted as qualifiers for jobs in the central/state government and in the private sector.

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