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Ternopil State Medical University, MBBS in Ukraine

Ternopil State Medical University, MBBS in Ukraine

Ternopil State Medical University is a medical university in Ukraine. It was founded on September 1, 1957. It is one of the best medical universities in Ukraine, ranking third among the higher medical schools according to IV (fourth) highest level of accreditation by the Ministry of Health and Education of Ukraine. It is composed of national and international students. The foreign students currently in the school are about 800 from 48 different countries all over the world.


Ternopil State medical Institute was inaugurated on September 1, 1957 by the resolution of the Ukrainian government of April 12, 1957. In the city that had been almost completely destroyed during the World War II and just began rising from the ruins, it was the first higher educational establishment. Three days after the government resolution, the appointed Director (Rector) of the medical Institute, Candidate of Medical Sciences, surgeon P.O. Ogiy (later on M.D., Professor) and prof. Martynyuk A.H., the vice-rector, arrived to Ternopil. By the decision of the Regional Council, two educational buildings and two hostels were allotted to the Institute. The clinical base was provided by the City Hospital that had been functioning then as the Regional Hospital. Morphological building, Regional Hospital and a new hostel were under construction. 19 departments began functioning at the Institute, 66 teachers were working there (including 1 M.D., and 17 Candidates of Med. Sc.).

Standing at the starting line were young teachers-scientists, later on professors, honoured scientists K.V.Kovanov, Yu.T.Komorovsky, A.I. Lokay, I.O.Sytnyk, M.P.Skakun. Among the founders was Ye.H. Honcharuk, an assistant teacher of General Hygiene Department, later on Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and many foreign academies, Rector of the Kyiv National Medical University named after O.O.Bohomolets.

Even under the communist regime, there were displays of unconventional thinking, courage of mind and ability to arouse moral consciousness. V.S. Lisovy, the philosophy teacher, who was working at the institute in 1962-1966, is remembered by the students of the 1960s owing to his lectures and original institute wallpapers which he edited. Arrested for the “anti-soviet activity”, he served 11 years in jail and concentration camps. In 1998, he came to meet the rector, teachers and students of the Medical Academy and delivered lecture on philosophy to the second-year students. At present, V. Lisovy, the Candidate of Philosophy is the Head of the History Department at the Philosophy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Professor at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. It is worth mentioning that such graduates as Heorgy Petruk-Popyk, Stepan Babiy, and Hanna Kostiv-Huska made their literary debut as students and became famous poets. The development of the Institute is inseparably connected with the names of its rectors Assistant Professor I.I. Hetman (1972-1981), Prof. I.S. Smiyan (1881-1997); the vice-rectors, professors O.A. Yarosh, O.N. Lulka, I.V. Shust, I.O. Sytnyk, V.H. Koveshnikov (the former Rector of the Luhansk Medical University). With Ukraine attaining independence, new opportunities and impulses for the institute development, in particular the chance of entering into market relations and joining the European educational community, have become available. Here are some landmarks.

On July 1, 1992 by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers the Institute was named after I.Ya. Horbachevsky, a famous scientist, member of the T.G.Shevchenko Scientific Society and All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, born in the Ternopil region. In 1994 the institute obtained the highest IV accreditation degree and was granted a licence for training 400 students at the Medical Faculty. In 1995, the Faculty of Nursing in the specialties “Nursing” (training nurse’s andnurses with a bachelor’s degree) and “Laboratory Diagnosis” (training laboratory assistants with a bachelor’s degree) as well as the educational Medical Institute-Lyceum complex (the former Halytsky College) was founded. As compared to 82 faculty students in 1995, the number grew to 450 in 1997. On January 30, 1997 by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the institute was awarded the status of Academy. In April 1997 the I.Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical Academy celebrated its 40th anniversary. Professor I.S.Smiyan, the Honorary Worker of Higher School and the Coresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, was the rector for 16 years. In 2003 the rector prof. L.Y.Kovalchuk was elected a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Professor M.P.Skakun was a Honorary Worker of Higher School too. Professors L.Ya. Kovalchyk, M.A. Andreychyn, Ya.I. Fedonyuk, O.O.Markova, M.I. Shved, S.V. Khmil, S.I. Smiyan, S.N. Vadzyuk, S.I. Shkrobot and V.V. Bihunyak are Honorary Workers of Science and Technology of Ukraine. Professor O.M. Yedynak and associate professor V.V. Demyanenko were awarded the title of Honorary Inventor of Ukraine.

Since 1997, the Specialized Council for defending theses in Surgery, Normal Anatomy (medical and biological sciences) and Pathologic Physiology has been functioning (M.D., Professor L.Ya. Kovalchuk is the Head of the Council). In 2004 the Specialized Council for defending theses in Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology was established. In August 1997, the Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, M.D., Professor L.Ya. Kovalchuk headed the Academy. The rector’s credo is: “We must establish the educational institution of high European standard”.

In 1999 the Academy confirmed the highest (IVth) degree of accreditation. In 2000 the newly organised Pharmaceutical Faculty began training pharmacists and from 2001 – clinical pharmacists and pharmacists-cosmetologists. In 2000 the Academy received the licence providing obstetricians, doctor’s assistants and nurses-laboratory assistants to be trained. The Nurses Training Faculty was reorganized into the Faculty of Bachelors of Junior Medical Personnel and in 2003 – into the Medical College.

Since 1997 foreign citizens have been studying as students and clinical interns. At that time the Preparatory Courses were organized for them. There were formed departments of Hospital Therapy No.2, Medical Informatics with the Course of Physics and Special Equipment, Emergency Medicine, Ambulatory Care, Diagnostics and Medical Informatics of the Postgraduate Training Faculty (on the basis of the Rivne Regional Hospital), Pharmacognosy with Biology and Medical Genetics, Physiotherapy, Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology No.2, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Subjects.

Complex restructuring of all the trends of activity was under way. The educational process was aimed at meeting world qualification standards. The subject of Osteoporosis was the number one priority of the scientific activity with the half of the departments involved. Inventive activity was in progress, scientific developments being regularly introduced in practical health care. In particular, the lyophilized pig xenodermotransplants, developed by prof. V.V.Bihunyak, are widely used for the treatment of burns in all national burns centres. The goal of improving medical and prophylactic activity was attained through the establishment of consultative and treatment centre.

Spirit of the new time called forth positive changes in upbringing, national and patriotic activity, as well as in the spiritual life of the Academy. The system of tutors and students’ self-governing was regulated. The brass band and choir, dancing group, ensemble of folk instruments and sports sections were popular then. The students participated actively in the Club of Talented Youth, amateur theatre and discussing club. The Academy had its own picture-gallery. A new generation of poets was growing among the teachers and students. Poetic anthologies by Lesia Romanchuk (a member of the Ukrainian Society of Writers), Valeriy Didukh, Roman Ladyka were published.

Foreign Students Faculty

Ternopil State Medical University (TSMU) is a coeducational, public institution of higher education founded in 1957. Since 1998, TSMU has been rated among the top three medical universities of Ukraine.

Ternopil State Medical University is a leading provider of high quality educational medical programs for international students. TSMU works in a casual, friendly environment filled with people who work extremely hard to make sure every program is unforgettable. TSMU firmly believes in what it does and takes great pride in enriching the lives of thousands of young people through it unique LEAP!

Ternopil State Medical University ranks 3rd in Ukraine among the medical universities and has been awarded the IV (Highest) accreditation level by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

More than 800 international students from 48 different countries are studying in Ternopil State Medical University.

Ternopil State Medical University is listed in the FAIMER (International Medical Education) directory under ECFMG and the WHO (World Health Organization) directory of Medical Universities/Schools. TSMU’s degree is recognized by WHO, US Education Department, General Medical Council of England, EU Countries.

The system of education in Ternopil State Medical University is according to European Credit Test System (ECTS).

The following faculties function in Ternopil State Medical University: Medicine (6 Years – MD or MBBS), Dentistry (5 years), Pharmacy (5 Years), and Nursing (2-4 Years). Postgraduate programs are also offered in different fields. The medium of instructions are English, French, Russian and Ukrainian. TSMU is the only outstanding university in Ukraine where all faculties are taught in English.

The institutes are departments of Ternopil State Medical University are located in 12 educational buildings and 17 clinics and hospitals in Ternopil. The educational process is provided with the following academic staff:

3 corresponding members of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine 80 Professors (PhD, D. Sc.) 278 Associate Professors (PhD) 116 Assistant Professors (PhD)

Ternopil State Medical University collaborates with a number of foreign institutions. According to the signed agreements we have exchange academic and research programs for the students and university staff with different universities in countries like USA, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Slovak Republic and Russia.

Ternopil State Medical University is the first university in Ukraine to develop the American Nursing Program. Today we have American Nursing School and International Nursing School where our students are studying according to the American Nursing School curriculum. TSMU collaborates with the University of South Carolina Upstate (USA) to exchange academic programs for the students of Nursing Faculty. Our Nursing School offers two degrees:

Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) – two year program Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) – four year program (or two years for those who already have nursing degree)

After graduation students are eligible to take the National Council License Examination (NCLEX) and Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) for registered nurses to start working and living in USA. After obtaining associate degree, students can transfer to USA for bachelor degree.

Ternopil State Medical University’s Nursing School also offers an additional NCLEX course to prepare graduates for their NCLEX exam.


  • Medical Faculty

  • Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Faculty of Dentistry

  • Faculty of Foreign Students

  • Faculty of Postgraduate Training


  • Institute of Morphology

  • Institute of Biomedical Problems

  • M.P.Skakun Institute of Pharmacology, Hygiene, Medical Biochemistry, Bioethics and Deontology

  • Institute of Modelling and Analysis of Pathological Processes

  • Institute of Nursing


Medical Faculty

Institute of Morphology

  • Department of Human Anatomy

  • Department of Pathological Anatomy with Dissection Course and Forensic Medicine

  • Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology

Institute of Biomedical Problems

  • Department of Medical Biology

  • Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology

  • Department of Physiology

  • Department of Social Medicine, Organizations and Economics of Public Health with Medical Statistics

M.P.Skakun Institute of Pharmacology, Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry

  • Department of Medical Bioethics and Deontology

  • Department of Medical Biochemistry

  • Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology

  • Department of General Hygiene and Ecology

Institute of Modellingand Analysis of Pathological Processes

  • Department of Pathological Physiology

  • Department of Emergency and Disaster Medicine in the course of military training

  • Department of Medical Informatics and Physics

  • Department of Philosophy and Social Studies

  • Department of Ukrainian studies

  • Department of Foreign Languages and Medical Terminology

Clinical Departments

  • Department of Internal Medicine Propedeutics and Phthisiology

  • Department of internal medicine

  • Department of Internal Medicine

  • Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, Dermatology and Venereology

  • Department of Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics

  • Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Necrology and Medical Psychology

  • Department of Paediatrics with Paediatric Surgery

  • Department of General and Operative Surgery with Topographical Anatomy, Traumatology and Orthopaedics

  • Department of Surgery

  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  • Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine

  • Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology and Neurosurgery

  • Department of Oncology, Radiology Diagnostics and Therapy and Radiation Medicine

  • Department of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine

  • Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines

  • Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Department of Pharmacognosy with medical botany

  • Department of Clinical Pharmacy

Faculty of Postgraduate Training

  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Faculty of Postgraduate Training

  • Department of Surgery of the Faculty of Postgraduate Training

  • Department of Endoscopy with Mini-Invasive Surgery, Urology, Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Faculty of Postgraduate Training

  • Department of Paediatrics of the Faculty of Postgraduate Training

  • Department of Therapeutics and Family Medicine of the Faculty of Postgraduate Training

Faculty of Dentistry

  • Department of Dental Surgery

  • Department of Paediatric Dentistry

  • Department of Therapeutic Dentistry

  • Department of Orthopaedic Dentistry

Faculty of Foreign Students and Institute of Nursing

  • Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and General Patient Care

  • Department of Paediatrics

  • Department of Internal Medicine

  • Department of Surgery with Anaesthesiology

  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Ternopil State Medical University is the structural unit of the medical university that includes the complex of the hostels №1, 2, 3, 4 with adjacent territories. The Campus serves as the accommodation for Ukrainian and Foreign Students as well as interns, masters, resident doctor, postgraduate students, students of the preparatory department and the postgraduate training faculty.

Foreign Students live in the hostel; most of them come from India, Malaysia, Syria, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana, Poland and other countries.

There are 508 bed places in the hostel. The hostel includes 206 rooms. Every floor has two wings each including 3 accommodation blocks, a side room, a kitchen and a home room.

Most rooms of the hostel are connected to the Internet.

There are a hostel warden’s office, hostel staff office, spacious lobby and 2 libraries.

There is a first aid unit on the ground floor of the university hostel.

There are a spacious gym with modern pieces of gym equipment and laundry in the basement.


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