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Getting admitted to an undergraduate course at a German university

Prospective students may be required to first take part in a “Feststellungsprüfung” at a Studienkolleg. The successful completion of this exam grants the applicant access to a specified range of subjects at university, in accordance with the type of course/ exam taken at Studienkolleg.

(For Studienkolleg C1 or DSH-2 or TESTDAF 4x4 or DSD II)

· FSP-Kurs am Studienkolleg

Kurs für die Feststellungsprüfung M-Kurs, S-Kurs, T-Kurs, W-Kurs

· Vorbereitungskurs Mathe

Vorbereitung auf d. Aufnahmeprüfung am Studienkolleg

If you are looking to study in Germany as a non-EU international student, you must first check if your previous qualification is recognized at German universities. All the school leaving certificate attained in your country must be compared and translated into German qualification terms otherwise it won’t be recognized. There is a limited list of foreign qualifications assessed to be equivalent to German qualifications.

Maximum international students who have no prior information on the German education system, run out of excitement fearing this marks the end of their dream to study in Germany. However, German universities have a solution for you called Studienkolleg.

Even though many students think the Studienkolleg course is a waste of time, It is said that those international students who undergo Studienkolleg course before their regular studies are more successful than those students who don’t.

What is Studienkolleg ?

Studienkolleg is a University Preparation course in Germany designed to prepare incoming international students who are willing to study in Germany but whose qualifications don’t meet the German education system criteria. Generally a Studienkolleg course lasts for a full academic year. The intention is to prepare you with the required skills and knowledge on particular subjects related to your university course.

Depending on your University course you want to study in Germany you’ll be required to attend one of the following Studienkolleg courses:

·T-Kurs: German, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Informatics

·M-Kurs: German, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

·W-Kurs: German, Mathematics, Economics, Business and Sociology

·G-Kurs: German, History, German Literature, Sociology and Statistics

Here German language classes are a top priority in a Studienkolleg because regardless of the type of the course you will learn in the German language.

Cross over on the bridge built for you by the Studienkollegs! An exciting new world is waiting for you on the other side.


The successful completion of the T-Course in the Studienkolleg allows you to apply to most of the technical and engineering courses at universities throughout Germany. The T-Course offers mathematics, physics, informatics and chemistry. The courses provide thorough instruction in the practical and theoretical aspects of the field. You need T-Course if you want to be enrolled in one of the following degree programs:

· Physics · Architecture · Business Informatics · Chemistry · Civil Engineering · Informatics · Food Technology · Process Technology · Mathematics · Metallurgy · Electrical Engineering · Statistics · Geology · Mechanical Engineering · Ship Engineering · Surveying · Geography · Landscape Conservation · Sound and Video Engineering · Materials Engineering · Chemical Engineering · Photo Engineering · Supply Engineering · Textile and Surface Design · Production Engineering · Clothing Engineering

· Environment Engineering · Mineralogy · Meteorology

The subjects are all taught in German and are intended to prepare the participants for the assessment test at the University of their Choice.

After the preliminary course, a written exam will be administered. During the main course intermediate examinations will be administered, and all the main courses end with final assessments in all the main subjects. The final examinations are based on the assessment exams administered at the universities, and consequently an excellent preparation tool.

Preliminary Course

The preliminary course should consolidate mathematical foundations and prepare students for the mathematics lessons of the main course. The course consists of elementary mathematics, quadratic equations, logarithms, and systems of linear equations. In analysis, derivatives, differentiation rules, whole and ruptured rational functions, exponential functions, and curves are covered. Additionally, analytic geometry is an important area, with vector algebra, plane equations, and scalar product.


In mathematics, all the relevant subjects in the Deutschabitur are covered. These include curve discussion, extreme tasks, reconstruction tasks, integral calculus, and vector-level equations. Further topics include geometries and analysis of trigonometric functions.


In physics, mechanics is essential and covered extensively. Statics and strength theory, kinematics, and kinetics are covered. The course also covers impulse, force, Newtonian axioms, magnetic-electrical quantities, the Coulomb Law, electrical circuits, Ohm’s Law, and AC voltages. Optics radiation, atomic and nuclear physics are also of interest in the area of vibrations, waves, interference, types of radiation, and the interaction of radiation matter.


In chemistry, basics such as acids and bases, indicators, fields of physical chemistry, and organic chemistry are covered. Physical chemistry covers, among other things, energy conversion, reaction kinetics, and thermodynamics. Organic chemistry considers hydrocarbons, functional groups, and natural products.


Fundamental of basic informatics programming through an intensive crash course is included with this major as well.

The successful completion of the M course in the Studienkolleg allows you to apply to most of the medical courses and health studies in German universities, under certain conditions. The M course consists of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and the German language. Important methods and contents of various fields of science are thoroughly covered. You need M-Course if you want to be enrolled in one of the following degree programs:

· Medicine · Biology · Nutrition Science · Dentistry · Microbiology · Agriculture Sciences and Environmental Management · Veterinary Medicine · Biochemistry · Sport · Psychology · Pharmacy

The subjects are all taught in German and are intended to prepare the participants for the assessment test at the University of their Choice.

After the preliminary course, a written exam will be administered. During the main course intermediate examinations will be administered, and all the main courses end with final assessments in all the main subjects. The final examinations are based on the assessment exams administered at the universities, and consequently an excellent preparation tool.

Preliminary Course

The preliminary course should consolidate mathematical foundations and prepare students for the mathematics lessons of the main course. The course consists of elementary mathematics, quadratic equations, logarithms, and systems of linear equations. In analysis, derivatives, differentiation rules, whole and ruptured rational functions, exponential functions, and curves are covered. Additionally, analytic geometry is an important area, with vector algebra, plane equations, and scalar product.


In mathematics, all the relevant subjects in the Deutschabitur are covered. These include curve discussion, extreme tasks, reconstruction tasks, integral calculus, and vector-level equations. Further topics include geometries and analysis of trigonometric functions.


In physics, mechanics is essential and covered extensively. Statics and strength theory, kinematics, and kinetics are covered. The course also covers impulse, force, Newtonian axioms, magnetic-electrical quantities, the Coulomb Law, electrical circuits, Ohm’s Law, and AC voltages. Optics radiation, atomic and nuclear physics are also of interest in the area of vibrations, waves, interference, types of radiation, and the interaction of radiation matter.


In chemistry, basics such as acids and bases, indicators, fields of physical chemistry, and organic chemistry are covered. Physical chemistry covers, among other things, energy conversion, reaction kinetics, and thermodynamics. Organic chemistry considers hydrocarbons, functional groups, and natural products.


In biology, studies will consist of field of cell biology, structure and function of cells, and cell components. Other topics include: genetics, mitosis, meiosis, Mendelian rules, chromosomes, and heredity. Molecular genetics and gene expression are also covered, with particular emphasis on DNA construction, transcription and translation. Additionally, the curriculum also includes Eu- and prokaryotic gene expression control, neurobiology and behavioural science.


Fundamental of basic informatics programming through an intensive crash course is included with this major as well.

The successful completion of the W-Course in the Studienkolleg allows you to apply to most economics courses in German universities. The W-Course consists of Mathematics, Business Administration, Economics, and Business English. You need W-Course if you want to be enrolled in one of the following degree programs:

· Business Sciences · Social Sciences · Business Informatics · Sociology · Geography · Business Administration · Social Education · Social Work · Economics · Political Sciences · Nutritional and Domestic Science · Law · Insurance Business · Housekeeping

The subjects are all taught in German and are intended to prepare the participants for the assessment test at the University of their Choice.

The successful completion of the W-Course in the Studienkolleg allows you to apply to most economics bachelor programs in German universities, under certain conditions; such as BBA, Economics, Marketing, Finance etc.

Preliminary Course

The preliminary course should consolidate mathematical foundations and prepare students for the mathematics lessons of the main course. The course consists of elementary mathematics, quadratic equations, logarithms, and systems of linear equations. In analysis, derivatives, differentiation rules, whole and ruptured rational functions, exponential functions, and curves are covered. Additionally, analytic geometry is an important area, with vector algebra, plane equations, and scalar product.


In mathematics, all the relevant subjects in the Deutschabitur are covered. These include curve discussion, extreme tasks, reconstruction tasks, integral calculus, and vector-level equations. Further topics include geometries and analysis of trigonometric functions.


Business administration covers materials management, production and marketing, and financing and investment. Additionally, the course also treats company management, external accounting, and internal accounting within its scope.


Fundamental of Economics, European Economics, Micro, Macro Economics, inflation are some of the contents of this subject.


Fundamental of basic informatics programming through an intensive crash course is included with this major as well.

The successful completion of the G-Course in the Studienkolleg allows you to apply for most humanities and social science courses at German universities. The G course consists of history, politics, social studies, and literature. You need the G-Course if you want to be enrolled in one of the following degree programs:

· German studies · Law · Theology · Literature · Arts · Design · Archaeology · History · Art Education · Restauration · Politics · History of Art · Ethnology · Education · Communication Science · Journalism · Philosophy · Music Sciences · Theather Arts · Psychology · Music · Product Design

The subjects are all taught in German and are intended to prepare the participants for the assessment test at the University of their Choice.

After the preliminary course, a written exam will be administered. During the main course intermediate examinations will be administered, and all the main courses end with final assessments in all the main subjects. The final examinations are based on the assessment exams administered at the universities, and consequently an excellent preparation tool.


In history, students will learn the methodical handling of sources and various frameworks. In terms of content, the eras of early modern times, absolutism, industrialisation, and modernity are covered. The 20th Century era is particularly a focus of study. The list of topics include: national state and liberalism, the 20th century, and from 1945 to the present.


The political course is focused on political order and participation. The focus is on the Federal Republic of Germany, the constitution, the rule of law, and the parliamentary order. In the field of political participation, the course focuses on active and passive suffrage, parties, and other organisational structures of social groups. The welfare state and the European Union are also addressed.

Social Studies

In social studies, social research is the theme with empirical research as a method. The history and various models of sociology, especially the middle Ages and the Enlightenment period are heavily discussed. Additional topics of importance in this course are social change, power and domination, and social stratification.


In literature, students will focus on the classification of literary works into historical contexts, genres, and other forms of sources. Methodologically, analysis of texts, interpretation, and critical criticism are pursued. Above all, students are exposed to major works of German literature, and taught to examine them for their linguistic design and peculiarities.The course also covers linguistic and literary structure of the texts, structure, stanzas, and linguistic means used syntax, and speech.


The Preparation or Vorbereitung Aufnahmetest or entrance exam into state Studienkolleg should consolidate mathematical foundations and prepare students for the mathematics lessons of the main course. The course consists of elementary mathematics, quadratic equations, logarithms, and systems of linear equations. In analysis, derivatives, differentiation rules, whole and ruptured rational functions, exponential functions, and curves are covered. Additionally, analytic geometry is an important area, with vector algebra, plane equations, and scalar product. This can help students to get prepared for the state entrance exams for Studienkolleg (Aufnahmetest or Aufnahmeprüfung).


For the best German education, it is necessary to have a good command of the German Language. The undergraduate programs are mostly offered at the best universities in Germany only in German such as Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, IT, Medical, Law, etc

German Language A1 to C1 + DSH (University Entrance Exam is required)

German Intensive course takes 6 months to 9 months with university preparation for Studienkolleg + FSP

Basic German Language preparation is required in Home Country from A1 to B2 level German Language.

DSH - German language exam for university entrance

What does the abbreviation mean?

"DSH" stands for "German language exam for university entrance". Language School prepares foreign students for this exam in cooperation with the University. All language students who have been admitted by the University will receive a student ID card that will allow them to use all public transport and get a room in the student dorm. Upon passing the DSH exam, students have the opportunity to study at any university or college.

The rule on passing the language test for university entrance also applies to Germans who have not graduated from high school in Germany, but abroad. Therefore, many universities and colleges throughout Germany offer exams for internal and external students several times a year. In addition, since 2014 there is a framework under which the audit must be conducted.

Structure of the DSH exam

Written part

The exam consists of two parts, an oral and a written exam, the written part lasts about four hours and can be divided into three parts: listening, reading and writing.

The written part consists of the tasks:

1. Understanding and processing a listening text (60 min.) 2. Producing a text (60 min.) 3. Understanding and editing a reading text and scientific structures (90 min)

Oral part

The oral exam takes about 40 minutes, including 20 minutes to prepare. At the beginning of the exam you will get a chart, a diagram or a short text and can prepare yourself in peace. During the first few minutes of the exam, you should briefly describe this task and summarize the content. This is followed by a discussion or further questions from the respective examiner. Linguistic correctness, vocabulary, speech and pronunciation, as well as conversational behavior, ie communication with examiners and strategies for problems play a major role in the oral exam. The result of the exam will be given to participants 2-4 weeks after the exam. If the written or oral examination with the result DSH 1 has been taken, the receipt of a DSH 2 certificate is no longer possible. In this case the test should be repeated. This is possible as often as desired.

Overall result of the exam

The overall result of the exam is divided into three levels, aiming to reach the DSH 2 levels.

• DSH-1 if at least 57% of the requirements were met in both the written and oral tests.

• DSH-2 when 67% has been met.

• DSH-3 when 82% of the requirements have been met.

At the DSH 1 level, enrolment may be linked to attending further language courses and retesting, usually without additional requirements, only for enrolment in bilingual (eg English-German) degree programs. However, for most degree programs at German universities, the DSH 2 level is necessary; DSH 3 is only required for studies in human or dental medicine and for some other degree programs with increased linguistic requirements.

In admission procedures, the levels are evaluated analogously to the levels TDN-3 to TDN-5 of the TestDaF, which determine a language level between B2 and C2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Other equivalent degrees

• The German Language Diploma

• The certificate telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule

• The certificate of passing the upper level examination of the Goethe-Institute

• The "Small German Language Diploma" and the "Great German Language Diploma" of the Goethe-Institute


How each university organizes and performs the exam can be read on the pages of the universities. The exam dates vary as well. As a rule, the universities offer the DSH exams four times a year.

The exam is payable in any case, the fees vary from university to university. Universities recommend a preparatory course to learn strategies for solving the tasks.

Language Schools offer various German language courses to prepare for the DSH examination of foreign students, with courses divided into five different levels: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1.


1. Select the Studienkolleg according to your study area

2. In any case of doubt, ask the International Office of the university offering the selected undergraduate course, which Studienkolleg you have to attend.

3. Mind the abbreviations:

Uni = Research University

FH = University of Applied Sciences (does not prepare for degree courses at research universities)

staatlich = public = mostly free of tuition fees

staatlich anerkannt = private

Apart from the fact that most courses at public universities are free of tution fees, neither DAAD nor German universities provide any scholarships for foreign students attending Studienkolleg or undergraduate courses.

General Questions

Are the courses at Studienkollegs all the same?

There are Studienkollegs preparing for Universities of Applied Sciences, and those preparing for Research Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences. In addition, the courses are designed for special study areas:


M = Medicine, Biology, (Chemistry) Pharmacy

T = Mathmatics, Physics, Chemistry (also in M), technical subjects

W = Economics, Social Sciences, Business Studies etc.

G = Humanities, German literature and language S = Languages

Universities of Applied Sciences (Hochschulen/Fachhochschulen)

TI = Technical and Engineering Sciences

WW = Business Studies

GD = Art, Design and related fields

SW = Social Sciences

How long do the courses take and what kind of end exam will I take at the end?

Courses usually run for two semesters followed by the final exam (Feststellungsprüfung). Courses mostly start in spring and fall.

What are the prerequisites to join a Studienkolleg?

Before joining a Studienkolleg, you will have to pass an admission test (mostly German, Maths). Prerequisites are: - University entrance qualification ( 10 + 2 , or Higher Secondary Exam) - Sufficient pre knowledge of German (B1 level – contact Goethe Institute for language courses )

Minimum 70 % marks in / 2.5 GPA is required .

What does it cost?

The state run Studienkollegs are free of charge. There are also private foundation courses charging fees.

Will the Feststellungsprüfung be acknowledged by other universities in Germany? Yes, the Feststellungsprüfung will be acknowledged at all German universities.

Do I have to visit the Studienkolleg if I want to join a degree course in English language? Some of the universities offering undergraduate courses in English language offer foundation courses in English language (mostly against fees). Please check very carefully, if the offered course will provide you access to undergraduate courses.

The courses Studienkolleg start in February and in September. After being admitted to

Studienkolleg, participants are enrolled as university students with the special status of students doing an “academic bridging course’ (“Vorbereitungsstudium”).

After having successfully completed “Feststellungsprüfung” (i.e. the final exam after two semesters), they can apply to all German universities to be accepted as a regular student in courses that relate to the areas they have covered at Studienkolleg. If there are additional university entrance requirements, these have to be met as well (e.g. “numerus clausus”).


Please bear in mind that the issuing of a student visa (category D, Aufenthaltszweck/ purpose: Studium) can take up to three months. Students cannot take up Studienkolleg with a ‘tourist visa’ or a ‘Schengen visa’.

In general, there are no German scholarships for the preparatory year at the Studienkolleg.

There is no age limit. Applicants who are not yet 18 will need their parents’ consent and cannot open a bank account unless their parents are present.


Please contact the universities for the application form or download it from their web-sites. All documents must be presented in the form of officially certified copies. For documents issued in languages other than German, (at some universities also other than English, French, Spanish or Portuguese), a translation into German by translators authorized by a German court of law or by a German consulate is required. Applicants who have not yet met all qualifications for university admission in their respective countries will not be permitted to attend Studienkolleg.

Top University offering Studienkolleg

· Universität Heidelberg Internationales Studien-zentrum Studienkolleg

· Studienkolleg / Sprachenzentrum des KIT (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

· Studienkolleg an der HTWG Konstanz

· Studienkolleg bei den Universitäten des Freistaates Bayern

· Studienkolleg bei den Fachhochschulen des Freistaates Bayern

· Internationales Studienkolleg der TU Berlin

· Studienkolleg der FU Berlin

· Hamburg Studienkolleg für auslän-dische Studierende an der Universität Hamburg

· Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Internationales Studienzentrum/Studienkolleg

· Studienkolleg für ausländische Studierende/Academic Bridging Courses

· Studienkolleg für ausländische Studierende der Universität Kassel

· Studienkolleg Mittelhessen an der Universität Marburg

· Studienkolleg an der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald

· Studienkolleg für ausländische Studierende an der Hochschule Wismar

· Universität Hannover Niedersächsisches Studienkolleg

· Studienkolleg des Ökumenischen Studienwerks e.V. für ausländische Studierende

· Studienkolleg Mettingen

· Internationales Studienkolleg der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

· Internationales Studienkolleg für die Fachhochschulen

· Studienkolleg der Universität des Saarlandes

· Ausländerstudienkolleg zur Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes

· TUDIAS-Studienkolleg TU Dresden

· Studienkolleg Glauchau

· Universität Leipzig Studienkolleg Sachsen

· Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz Studienkolleg

· Landesstudienkolleg Sachsen-Anhalt Standort Halle

· Landesstudienkolleg Sachsen-Anhalt Standort Köthen

· Studienkolleg an der FH Kiel

· Staatliches Studienkolleg

There are private Studienkolleg also.

For Admission and Processing:


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