IPAG is listed as the 3rd best French business school in the Shanghai Ranking.
The school is a non-profit organization and has remained independent for over 50 years.
The IPAG Business School awards, for its Grande Ecole program, a diploma of higher education to Bac + 5 targeted by the State and conferring the degree of Master, Bachelors Bac + 3.
The education provided aims at training managers and entrepreneurs.

PROGRAMMES OFFERED Bachelors in Business Management - 3 years 8000 Eur/Year International Business Management - 3 Years 9000 Eur/Year MBA - 2 Years 10000 Eur/Year Masters in International Trade - 2 Years 10000 Eur/Year Masters in Human Resource - 2 Years 10000 Eur/Year Masters in Food Business - 2 Years 10000 Eur/Year Masters in Energy and Sustainable Management - 2 Years 10000 Eur/Year Masters in Luxury Management - 2 Years 10000 Eur/Year www.shiksha4u.com