Pre-Professional Programmes - Lipscomb University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Pre-Professional Programmes - Lipscomb University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
A growing number of students are looking for Professional Courses that will enhance their employability in specific disciples after graduation. It is in light of this that Lipscomb University runs its 4 Years Bachelors Pre-Professional courses to adequately prepare students to progress into their careers. Subjects include:
· Pre - Dental
· Pre - Medicine
· Pre - Nursing
· Pre - Pharmacy
· Pre - Vet

Pre-medical Studies
For more than five decades, Lipscomb has been among the top schools for premedical preparation in the region. But that really should not be surprising in view of the fact that our programs' founding principles - compassion, intelligence, maturity, judgment and commitment to people - are those of the Great Physician and are the very qualities so necessary for a successful career in health care.
The majority of Lipscomb's pre-med graduates - the largest segment of our graduates in the sciences and pre-health sciences - have gone on to outstanding schools of their choosing. While here, they have been mentored by a council of well-informed professionals who have guided their education and preparation. Those of us who work in this area walk with students to be sure they are heading in the direction they want - and are prepared when they get there.
Pre-Professional Course Requirements
Course requirements may vary from one health professional program to another. Below is a list of courses most commonly required by most medical and dental schools:
General Biology - 8 semester hours with labs
General Chemistry – 8 semester hours with labs
Organic Chemistry – 8 semester hours with labs
Physics – 4-6 semester hours with lab(s)
Math – most programs require up through Calculus I
English – 6 semester hours
The Health Professions Advising Office is always available to assist students in determining the courses needed to satisfy professional school course requirements. We also encourage students to view the website(s) for the professional programs they are interested in attending to locate the specific additional courses and any additional requirements of the program.
Getting into a professional school.
Professional schools rarely prescribe a particular undergraduate major, so you should select one that best suits your personal interests. However, while satisfying Lipscomb’s graduation requirements, you will also need to plan your class schedules so they include the courses that are required by the professional school of your choice.
Once you have decided upon the area of health care you want to pursue, you must position yourself to be admitted to an appropriate professional school. What must you do to be accepted into a professional school?
Learn which courses are prerequisites for admission to the professional schools of your choice. The Health Professions Advisory Office has lists of required courses for many area schools. Program requirements can also be found on institutional websites or by contacting schools directly.
Study and do well in your courses—learn the material rather than just memorizing for exam performances. This will also help you prepare for professional school admissions tests.
Get to know your professors well. Go to their offices, introduce yourself, tell them what your interests are and why. When you apply for professional school, you will need recommendations from some of your professors. And they need to know enough about you to write a letter that accurately portrays you as a student and potential health care professional.
Observe, volunteer, and/or work in your chosen area. Professional schools expect you to have a reasonable knowledge of what is expected of those who serve in a particular profession. There are several ways to obtain this experience. One way is to contact your personal physician, dentist, pharmacist, or other health care professionals and ask them if you can work or volunteer in their offices. If this is not possible, they may allow you to observe or shadow them at work for a week or so. Area hospitals all have offices where you can apply for volunteer work.
Involve yourself in activities other than academics and studying. Social, athletic, and service activities can all be valuable experiences. Lipscomb offers many opportunities to participate in social clubs, intramural sports, service projects, theater, international studies abroad, multicultural activities, student government, and so on. A student who is capable of maintaining a good grade point average while being actively involved outside the classroom is a student who will be able to handle the rigors of a professional school program.
Be a servant. Professional schools do not want to see your application state that you want “to help people” but then see no evidence to support that statement. Become involved in your community through volunteering in programs such as blood drives, health screenings, Special Olympics, neighborhood clean-ups, etc.
Keep your personal record clean. Obey rules and laws. Professional schools demand high ethical standards and most now perform background checks on applicants.
Helping you get on track with the right major.
At Lipscomb, premedical studies encompasses much more than just medicine. Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, physician assistant, physical therapy, optometry or some other health care field, Lipscomb's Health Professions Advisory Office is the perfect place to begin. Located in Ward Hall, Room 327/330, the office is "home base" for all students interested in pursuing a premedical or pre-health care college track.
We understand, too, you have a lot of questions. That's why our Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) members, comprised of knowledgeable and well-respected professionals and educators in their fields, are on-hand to assist you with every step of planning. Even if you're not sure at first of your plans, the committee is available to discuss ideas and goals, and help you select a major that best reflects who you are and who you want to be.
During the year of your application to professional school, members of this committee will interview you in order to prepare a letter of recommendation. So, it is helpful for us to begin getting acquainted with you as soon as possible. Please register with our office (HPAO) early in your first semester.
The following sites are frequently visited by interested students:
Association of Medical Colleges:
American Dental Education Association:
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy:
Association of Physician Assistant Programs:
Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry:
American Physical Therapy Association:
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges:
Doctor of Pharmacy
Our Doctor of Pharmacy degree is a demanding, full-time, four-year course of study that adheres to the highest professional standards, while providing an educational foundation for a career in one of the fastest-growing industries in the country. The program includes three years of integrated scientific and clinical coursework along with introductory practice experiences followed by a year of advanced practices. Or maximize your time, money and effort by choosing one of our three dual degree programs. Learn more, today!
Why Lipscomb?
Lipscomb is the first college of pharmacy in the country to provide student pharmacists a competitive edge in their education through cloud-based access to the IBM Watson Analytics platform. With this tool, you will be able to generate or import data allowing you to explore and discover answers and insights —without relying on outside data scientists or IT. Through this partnership, Lipscomb is helping equip student pharmacists with the skills to help them excel in an evolving health care marketplace.
For Admission :