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Yerevan Haybusak University, Study MBBS in Armenia

Yerevan Haybusak University, Study MBBS in Armenia

History of creation: Yerevan “Haybusak University” has been founded in 1990. The first rector and founder of the university was Doctor of Biology, Professor L.V.Harutyunyan whose progressive ideas about modern higher education underlay the activity of Higher Educational Institution. Being an outstanding scientist and pedagogue, L.Harutyunyan could unify the best minds of science and academic pedagogy, and very soon “Haybusak” occupied leading positions not only in higher education but also became a founder of many new principles of the modern higher school of Armenia. “Haybusak” received a new state license of the Ministry of Education of RA in 1991, state license of the Ministry of Health in 1993 in the field of medical, economic and technological higher education.

The preparatory department was opened in 1991; the graduates were admitted without passing admission examinations.

In 1997 the base college of University was founded with functioning 5 middle professional programs of medical profile and 4 programs of economic-humanitarian profile.

In 1999 when the process of state accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions started in the Republic of Armenia, “Haybusak” University was one of the first ones that passed verification by the quality of education and received the state accreditation by all functioning specialties that was an evidence of high trust of the State and a guarantee of successful development of the University as “Haybusak” was entitled with the right to award state diplomas to its graduates.

Since 2002 Armenian Government introduced the strategic plan of development of higher education – thesis of integration of Higher Educational Institutions, the purpose of which was raise of education quality and effective development of Higher Educational Institutions. “Haybusak” became a sole non-governmental university around which the following 5 state accredited Higher Educational Institutions of Armenia were integrated.

– Institute of International Relations after H. Lazaryan;

– Armenian “Open” University;

– “Roslin” design Institute

– Institute of Economics and Law

– “Anania Shirakatsi” University

– and also several educational institutions of middle professional education.

Today Yerevan “Haybusak” University is a unique internationally oriented educational – scientific center that is widely known not only in Armenia but also in a number of foreign states.

Within the precincts of “Haybusak” about 4000 Armenian and foreign students study by 18 specialties in the Bachelor’s, Master’s, Post-Graduate programs, the studies are conducted in Armenian, Russian and English languages.

The staff consisting of more than 500 employees works in the University from which 350 lecturers, the 85% of which are Candidates, Doctors of Sciences, Associate Professors and Professors.

The University always takes part in International Scientific Conferences, forums, exhibitions by quality of higher education in Armenia and abroad, it has a number of specialists, diplomas, evidencing the higher level of education and successful development of the University. Combination of faculties and directions of humanities, law, design and medicine, etc. that is typical for leading centers of the world higher school, gives an opportunity to receive fundamental higher education in “Haybusak”.

One of the achievements of the University is granting an opportunity to students for simultaneous receipt of two diplomas by the main specialty and the second higher education. There is also an opportunity to study in additional professional education, having received a certificate of international sample (about 80 additional programs function in training center of the University).

“Haybusak” University is a leader in mutual Master’s programs with Partner Universities and students have an opportunity simultaneously to receive two diplomas of “Haybusak” and Partner University.

The quality of education, received in “Haybusak”, is confirmed by success of more than 9000 graduates who work in many countries of the world in different fields of Economics, Public Health, Pedagogy, etc. A number of candidates of sciences, successful art-managers and laureates of state awards, champions and art workers are among them.

The University has wide international relations with foreign Higher Educational Institutions and cultural-educational organizations. The base school of the University is an associated member of UNESCO. The University is a member of Armenian-Canadian Commercial Chamber, is a partner of a number of European universities: European School of Management (ESM). A number of scientists, political figures, businessmen became Honored Doctors of University and among them baroness Caroline Cox, the member and former vice-speaker of British chamber of lords, sociologist and human rights activists, Commandos, Abashidze.

Jointly with ESM – the program by Doctor theses – PhD.

In 2007 the base higher school of the University was founded, the graduates of which successfully enter not only “Haybusak” but also state Higher Educational Institutions of Armenia and pursuant to applicable Contract, enter the Universities of the USA and Europe without admission examinations.

“Haybusak” is a sole non-governmental university of Armenia with the state accreditation.

The faculty of foreign students has been opened since 2002 where the citizens of the CIS countries, Europe, USA, Iran, Israel, India, Syria and Lebanon study.

Foreign Students’ Faculty is ruled by the dean and has the same responsibilities as the other departments. The department offers essential information to the international students, intending to study in Yerevan Haybusak University. The scopes of Foreign Students’ Faculty activities are as following:

A. Establishing mutually sustained relationships with the international cultural-academic associations.

B. Establishing collaboration with world-class universities, and institutes of higher educations.

C. Exchanging academic research with foreign universities.

D. Providing up to date information on international conferences.

E. Introducing Yerevan Haybusak University to abroad.

F. Helping international students while studying at the University.

The Foreign Students Departments of Yerevan Haybusak Univers ity has contract with the Educational Commission for Medical Graduates (ECFMG) which provides opportunities to obtain USMLE performance data about our students and graduates, reducing the time spent verifying the status of our students and graduates. This decreases the time it takes for students and graduates to complete the USMLE registration process.

Yerevan Haybusak University coorporates to make national specialists for foreign countries correspondent with the policy of relationship and collaboration among people.

The foreigners of different sources, different social and property conditions, different tribes, nations and religions, different gender, languages, etc have a possibility to study at Yerevan Haybusak University.

They get a diploma /certificate/ affirmed in the Republic of Armenia after graduating the Educational Institution.

All foreigners studying at Yerevan Haybusak University have rights and certain obligations of the Republic of Armenia Legislation.

Faculty of Medicine

• General Medicine (M.D.)

• Dentistry (D.M.D.)

• Pharmacy

Faculty of Economics (B.A., M.B.A.)

• Economics & Enterprise Management

• Public Health

• Finance

• Tourism

• Management and Business Administration

• Information Technology and Computer Skills

• Finance

  • Custom procedures

Faculty of Humanities (B.A., M.A., Ph.D)

• Psychology

• Forein Language and Literature

• Armenian Language and Literature

• Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching

• Journalism

Faculty of Law & International Relations after Lazarian

• Law (State, Civil, International, Criminal, Constitutional)

• Faculty offers optional courses in criminology

• Forensic Expertise

• Notarial Studies

• Customs Legislation

• Tax Legislation

• Human Rights

• Cour Law

• International Relations, Diplomacy

• Oriental Studies (Arabic, Persian)

• International Tourism

“Roslin” Design Institute

• Design

• Outfit Modelling

• Graphic Arts


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